Leigh's Nurseries Newcastle

Bringing Stories To Life!


Inspired by one of the childrens favourite stories at the moment, the 3 little pigs. We set up an inviting tuff tray after listening to the story together for the children to explore, they had great fun!
They excitedly started to build their houses, exploring the different materials and textures laid out. They used available tools after staff demonstrated how to safely, and gathered up materials from around nursery too. We saw some lovely teamwork and great ideas shared to achieve their finished houses. We added in some numbers, talked about sizes and counted materials such as sticks to further our learning. Once finished the older children used their fab imaginations to act out the story. They used props and puppets to act out the different characters and re told parts of the story they remembered “I’ll huff and I’ll puff to blow your house down “.
The younger children were quick to copy and join in the fun too! It was amazing to see them continue this play out in the garden, spontaneously taking turns to be the pigs and wolf, using outdoor tools and construction to build.
Lots of love,
Leigh and the team xxx

Contact us

Contact Information

Please feel free to contact us to arrange a visit. We'd love to show you what we do!

Newcastle Nursery

Chesters Ave, Longbenton, Newcastle upon Tyne NE12 8QP

0191 259 9299


7.30am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday

Gateshead Nursery

The Den, Westfield Terrace, Gateshead NE8 4LD

0191 477 1097


7.30am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday

Heddon Nursery

1 Taberna Cl, Heddon-on-the-Wall, Newcastle upon Tyne NE15 0BW

01661 854001


7.30am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday