Leigh's Nurseries Newcastle

Making Music!


We love making music here at Leigh’s Nurseries and this is an easy activity you can also do with your children in the comfort of your own home! Rainbows have been a huge positive focus for us all in recent weeks so we decided to use food colouring in this activity so that the children could make some rainbow music together! Before we started the fun we spoke about the risks that were involved and how we needed to be very careful when hitting the glass jars.

The children then got stuck in and started hitting the glass with a spoon at different angles, listening to the different types of noises they were creating. They got so excited copying each other’s melodies and making different patterns in their sounds! It was amazing to hear the children speak about the different colours they could see and which colours they could add to the rainbow. They were encouraged to mix the colours together to see what happened as a result!

We hope this has lifted your spirits even if just for a few minutes. Remember to stay safe and keep smiling. We’re missing you all.

Lots of love as always,

Leigh and the team xxx

Contact us

Contact Information

Please feel free to contact us to arrange a visit. We'd love to show you what we do!

Newcastle Nursery

Chesters Ave, Longbenton, Newcastle upon Tyne NE12 8QP

0191 259 9299


7.30am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday

Gateshead Nursery

The Den, Westfield Terrace, Gateshead NE8 4LD

0191 477 1097


7.30am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday

Heddon Nursery

1 Taberna Cl, Heddon-on-the-Wall, Newcastle upon Tyne NE15 0BW

01661 854001


7.30am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday